Sunday, March 29, 2009

Do you share your faith at work?

I had a friend ask me a question. Please see my response. The questions in blue below.


You point out one of the hardest things for us Christians to do. Be a peculiar people! When you state "I wonder what would happen the American church if things turned the other way and it became rough to be a Christian. Many of us embarrassed to share our faith in appropriate ways at the work place because we want to fit in. This wanting to fit in starts when we are young and is something that compels many of us to act in certain ways." I too wonder what would happen, but even more. Why do most, and I have been guilty of this, Christians fail to openly profess their faith in Christ in the workplace? I know there are HR polices etc to prevent us from offending others, but in reality we are allowing those others to go to hell if we do not witness to them. On the flip side, most bible believing Christians want to keep their jobs, and I have been in that position.

Where then do we draw the line. We do not have not be yelling it down the halls and passing out tracts to everyone who will take one. We can witness by our actions, and by what we don't say or what we don't laugh at and just by bowing our heads in silent prayer before we eat. I do not have all the answers, but have been on both side of this topic. I have gotten bolder with age and through grace and knowing that I am not living for an earthly reward but a reward in heaven helps me!

How do we make our congregations understand that it is okay not to fit in on earth, but to want to fit in when the "roll is called up yonder" by being a peculiar person here on earth and professing Jesus Christ as our one and only Lord and Savior.

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